School’s Out is an evidence-based, collaborative afterschool program for elementary students in Richmond. This program currently serves the Blundell elementary school. Children are referred to the School’s Out program through Blundell’s administration, and can also self-refer. The student’s parents/guardians submit an application to be accepted into the program. School’s Out aims to ensure that as many applicants as possible have an opportunity to be a part of the program by rotating participants every term.
This program is funded by the generosity of donors from the United Way of British Columbia (UWBC).
If you would like to reach out to the School’s Out coordinator, please use this form.
The School’s Out program aims to encourage the development of core competencies in the children that attend the group by addressing the lack of protective factors in a community. Through connection to adult role models, risky play, and exposure to novel experiences, School’s Out facilitates the following:
Social and emotional development
Physical and mental wellbeing
Healthy use of afterschool time
Research has shown that effective programming introduced at an early age, as well as having a healthy relationship with at least 3 caring adults other than their caregivers, can significantly impact life trajectories. RASS aims to put each child that attends our program in the optimum position for them to succeed.